Customized strategy. Inspired Design. Hard work. Proven results.

See how we partner with our clients to deliver outcomes and growth.

"POSH360 is such an intuitive, user-friendly, enjoyable platform to use to acquire and manage new leads for your business! It’s exciting to see the amount of potential clients swarm into your pipeline and use all of the fantastic tools at your disposal to convert those leads to clients and subsequent revenue. Christie is an absolute delight to work with! She is incredibly responsive, thorough, accommodating, kind, and professional! We highly recommend Christie and this platform if you want a more automatic, organized way to manage potential leads and stay on top of the opportunities they present your business."

Rebekah Law

The Center for Sleep Apnea & TMJ, UT

"I have only been with Posh 360 Marketing for 6 weeks but it has been AMAZING. My company's rating on Google has gone up from 3.7 to 4.5 in this short amount of time. The app she has created is brilliant. I have had more communication with my customers in the past 6 weeks than I ever had. These communications have turned into sales and it is proven in the numbers. This is the new way of marketing and I feel so blessed to have Posh 360 and Christie on my team.

Marcus Hernandez

Client #1

- Our client is the owner of a fitness-based studio in California

- They offer multiple health related services, including

fitness-based memberships as well as Cryoskin


-The client had been placed on a shelter in place order due to the coronavirus outbreak

- They were ordered to close for over 2 months before they could reopen

- During this time they had made no income but still had lots of overhead

- Due to this they had a limited budget and needed to generate cash flow quickly


- Prior to re-opening, we created and implemented a direct text and email campaign which provided their customer base with a special offer, also reminding them they were taking future appointments

- A paid advertised lead generation campaign on social media promoting Cryoskin

- Use an attention-grabbing limited time offer to build desire and create urgency to generate quick sales

-Nurture the leads automatically with our lead nurturing system resulting in more appointments booked


- We captured 158 new leads

- To date we generated $10,450 in sales

- This was done with just $500 ad spend

- Over 20X Return on Investment

- Even more of these leads still have appointments booked which will likely turn into further sales

- This was achieved within a month and straight after the shelter in place order had been lifted

- $10,450 Sales achieved with more consultations to come

- 9 more consultations book and 7 more requests for follow-ups. Thousands of dollars more of potential sales

Real Results on closed business in the Month of May

for this client, just after businesses begin opening back up in the area. Continued performance from ads, lead capture and nurturing campaigns. $19,400 in Sales and still going!!!

"Posh 360 Marketing really knows how to creatively reach our desired market and get results! Together, we’ve launched fun, relevant campaigns that have captured exactly our targets attention and in turn, our business has grown significantly. We could of never done this without their help. Christie is always friendly, always responsive and a true partner to our business!"

-Stephanie R. -

ProFormance Pilates

Client #2

- This client is the owner of a brand new Cryotherapy studio in Ohio which had just had his grand opening

- He offers Cryotherapy services, high end Cryoskin packages as well as Infared Sauna


- This Client had opened his new location hoping for his strong location and marketing to bring in new clientele

-He placed many ads, some social media, traditional marketing, as well as local media placements

- He was spending a lot of money on overhead, had employees to pay, a family to support, and after his grand opening, not a lot of customers coming through the door

-Ads were not getting engagement, his marketing budget, although healthy, was not producing results

- He had no way of tracking customers and no way to nurture them


- After hiring our team, they began to get a steady stream of quality leads from our targeted social media campaigns, with a 5X ROI using only $600 per month ad spend

- They now see a constant stream of clients coming through the door for appointments, some weeks seeing 8-10 new consults a week!

- Each month, they have an average of $86,000 in their pipeline just from our ad placements!

Client #3


- We had a client struggling to get leads into her business. She was stressed with her overhead and was wasting thousands of dollars on unsuccessful marketing ideas. She was no longer working on the part of the business she loved or dreamed of.

-She had hired a part-time person just to call on clients, basically slashing prices to get them back in the door. She tried social media marketing but her ads were being rejected and were not supplying leads. She was stressed and ready to give up. That is where we came in.


- We created a battle-proven social media campaign aimed at bringing in quality leads. Our program did all the work of her part-time person, saving her many costs there alone. We nurtured the leads and were able to get 10-30 appointments in her door per month at around $3 per lead. We continue to optimize her ads and train her with training calls each week, all INCLUDED! with our help, her business has increased by 80%!!!

(435) 201-8650

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